Learning new tricks
[html] sorry for the wait, again. im going to try to much faster now.

Oak was excited at the prospect of practicing, but he was looking forward to becoming a natural with the axe far more. Her idea was simple and it made reasonable sense to him. The more he preformed the act the more natural it would become, and the faster he could be. He envisioned himself moving swiftly through the motions, his body knowing the swings and strikes just as expertly as they knew how to run and hunt. The axe was not a perfect fit for their lessons. Oak figured that it would be best to learn the sword from Cassia, for she seemed most comfortable with that element. But it made him even more gracious that she would school him.

He nodded, listening to his teacher intently. He relaxed as she walked away, and stood straighter and out of the fighting position. The use of his limbs in the new way was more taxing then his normal day to day. Though his arms were shaped by the cutting and hauling of trees, yet they were still unfamiliar with the different exercises that she had taught him and he was relieved at the possibility of setting the tool aside for a rest.

Though the earthen hued woman turned back to him, blue eyes focused on her form. She returned with a new idea and the tree-named male was not about to refuse her help even if he had thought a break would be pleasant. Oak smiled, white teeth shining against black lips. Okay He answered, stepping to the side and placing the axe against the tree gently. He had a newfound affection for the weapon and would not likely be slamming it into the faces of trees any time soon.

Black and burnt ember flecked paws rose, fingers closing into fists as they moved to protect his upper body. He took the same stance he had before, on his toes and with loose muscles.


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