Searching For a Place

Thanks! I'll make sure to memorize just as my little scholar here has.

Word Count → 354

Coeus scratched the back of his head and gave a bit of a laugh, "I have to say I don't, being new around here and all. I'm not even sure what to look at for a room, I suppose I'll start with something warm and dry." His smile spread across his slim muzzle, "Have any suggestions?" In all honesty, Hadley could have directed him to a square with walls and Coeus would have believed it was a room to dream of. Most structures he had seen had been from a distance until he came into the territories, he had had seem the insides of remarkably few placed. Even thing was a pleasant surprise to him at this point, but he enjoyed the experience. At this point in time, he was constantly learning, the knowledge that engulfed him was intoxicating.

The trait had gotten him into more than one sticky situation. He had simply followed his nose or ears into placed that a lone wolf was probably never meant to go. The squalls of wild cats had walked him straight into a rather intimate moment they were sharing. A pawful of claws later, he learned not to approach such sounds again. His drive had been suppressed slightly from just how abundant the current knowledge was, it would take a day or two for him to connect again with his drive to unearth new mysteries. Then, he would be sure to walk into more awkward and albeit hilarious moments once more. If his luck in that department consisted, he was sure to walk in on his new pack mates within the month, whatever the situation.

He let his gaze wander slightly to the courthouse and its stony appearance. It was easy to see that it had been renovated recently, though it was just a shadow of what it used to be. Coeus wondered what the interior would look like, such a thought set of several imaginative images a flurry but he shook his head to reenter reality, and turned back to look at Hadley once again.

Code by the Mentors; photo courtesy to Astrid Walter

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