M-Hear the Angels cry...-Birth
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

ooc: First few posts between Zana and Helotes, AW after that.

IC: The pygmy woman knew it was time. It had been a long time coming but slowly and surely the days had slowed, the movements of the pups within had almost come to a crawl and the weight of it all had shifted, like the world turned on end. Her life these past few weeks had been filled with tension and stress, where it should have been happiness and bliss shadows had fallen across the cloudless skies as the clan had begun to settle in recovering from the aftermath of the war.

Borders still had to be patrolled, information gathered, and life had to continue. What she never had expected was the shell of a man she once knew upon the edge of their lands, only half his soul and filled with a darkness she had known too well once. Those stormy eyes had turned to her and tension had mounted between them. Her brother had grown bitter quickly in finding that within the first moon of their mateship Helotes had quickened her womb with child. The anger and disgust had shown bright in his eyes as he let her know just what he thought of it, of the secret belief she had shared with few, that she nor they would survive. While it should have been an embrace of kinship and joy he had just served to remind her of all she had to loose.

She had been determined to set out on another patrol, but like the last few she had tried to set out upon she had gained the steps of the mansion and realized that there was no way she could make the hours of padding along the edge of their lands. This time though she had felt the first wave of contractions pull tight across her abdomen, the ripples rolling across her swollen belly as she gasped. Her fingers splayed across the massive girth as her eyes widened with fear.

The small woman tilted her head back and let out an urgent and demanding call for her mate to return immediately. She turned back to the large door of the mansion and sank down the frame to collapse on the stone steps as another wash of pain consumed her frame.

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