child's play
Warning: “Imaginary friend,” Ro is present. (Speech written in italics is all within Heiro’s head.) WC :: 864 OOC :: Near Firefly’s Cabin, anyone is welcome if you’d like your character to get pranked. Totally up to the player if you’d like your character to get injured, etc. Heiro will be under the cover of darkness and bushes and will most likely run away if someone tries to catch him, but I’m totally up to plottage as well. The wolf pup is Ro, aka he cannot be seen by anyone else as he is a split personality entity, existing only in Heiro’s reality.

Headaches, headaches, and more headaches. Would the torture ever end in simple silence? A storm blowing off the coast to dissipate quietly on its trek inland? No, the answer was always a terrified no. It was whispered and known only to Tasha who kept an extra careful vigil of her brother when these headaches, “migraines from birth he’d grow out of”, as their parents said, would wrack Heiro’s brain and turn the normally social pup into a solitary loner. These headaches were always followed by the arrival of Ro. Heiro’s “imaginary friend” that claimed to love him like a brother, but was always up to no good. Ro seem to lack the possession of simple humanity or the knowledge of right from wrong. He was chaos incarnate and highly manipulative with the impressionable pup whose mind he occupied. Of course Heiro believed he could actually see another dog, a pup like himself and thought it odd that Tasha never looked at Ro when addressing him. His wolfdog sister always looked at him. Heiro thought it rude, but he loved his sister and anytime Ro’s schemes involved her, he was usually able to dissuade his naughty friend or change the target in their games to someone else.

The price of being Ro’s friend was steep. Heiro was terrified of losing his “one true friend”, as Ro called himself, but he quickly realized Ro was always bad company when around others and a good aligned heart often times felt guilty after the little tricks and pranks Ro convinced him to pull. This knowledge led him to claim he kept his distance because he didn’t trust Ro around the adults or other pups within the kingdom, but Tasha had a feeling it was because he truly believed Ro was real, and whatever Ro said, Heiro ultimately obeyed. It was a sad fact kept mum by Tasha for fear of what this Ro was truly capable of. Whatever this hidden entity was for her brother, he was growing stronger, and the headaches were becoming more of a recurring thing rather than a usual once every two weeks episode. Tasha was starting to see more Ro than Heiro, and this troubled the girl deeply, but who could she tell? Who would even believe her? They’d chalk it up to puppy antics and an overactive imagination. But something was very wrong with Heiro. For now Tasha would just sit back and hope Ro would become a reality for someone else to witness.

It was late afternoon and the husky pup was covered from head to tail in mud. His normally lustrous black and white fur was matted and sticking together as it was quickly drying up in the sun. I don’ think this was such a good idea Ro, the Prince whined, shoveling another large mud ball to the edge of ditch he had been digging all day with his nose. Ro’s idea of fun was to dig this little trench in an area that was frequented by the other pack members at night in hopes they’d fall in and get just as messy as he was. From the cover of a few bushes running parallel to the slippery slope, Heiro and Ro would throw or kick mud balls at their unsuspecting targets and then scamper away. What Heiro hadn’t realized was that at nightfall, the pit they were digging could actually cause some serious damage to someone, a sprained ankle or maybe even a broken bone if they fell in. Quit your sniveling! You’re fine...besides we’re almost done here and then we can wash off and lay in wait, the black wolf pup sneered, causing Heiro to flinch, but the wolfdog did as he was told and continued to dig and create mud balls with his rather large paws.

The dirty task came to an end as the sun began to set. Heiro had played a game of chase, seemingly with himself all the way to the river to wash off and was now back in the bushes Ro had wanted to hide in that skirted the ditch he had dug all afternoon. He sleepily watched as a few early stars started to appear in the sky. Hey! The scarlet eyed wolf pup angrily whispered in Heiro’s ear. No sleeping on the job, you’ll spoil the fun! The wolfdog awoke with a start and shook his tiny head in attempt to wake himself up. Okay, okay Immawake!! Ro....I hope this don take and da will be wondrin’ about me...Heiro trailed off with a yawn. He’d have to cover a good amount of ground tonight if he didn’t want his parents or even his sister for that matter to get suspicious of his whereabouts. Shhhh, I think I hear someone coming! Ro’s eyes widened with glee as he settled in beside Heiro, right next to the lined up balls of mud that could easily be launched forward with a good swift hind leg kick and into the trench below.

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