Walking the line
we'll end this now so we can continue our other thread. (= and slight power play I know. xD but I wanted to end this one because I is so busy with all other threads. >.>

You are the weapon I choose.

Asphyxia nodded as Anselm walked off. She looked at her daughter and smiled, she was finally home. However hearing her yawn, she laughed. "I take it you need some sleep. Follow me and you can rest where I usually sleep. It's really breezy but sunny, it's...simply the best place ever." she smiled and nodded as she and Garnet walked to Occasus Promontorium.

Asphyxia was happy that her daughter was finally staying, she hoped it wouldn't be long till the rest of her family came, which was only really Midnight and Naloxone. However, she still had the feeling no matter what that Naloxone wasn't coming back. Seeing Garnet there though made her feel only slightly different about her thoughts, a little more optimistic.


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