[M] The Curse of Kindness
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.
OOC: Open for anyone. He's in Optime form. Moss is having a bit of trouble today, so it would be nice to see a friendly face. Also, it's up to you whether you can see Eilam or not, he'll probably poof once he gets spotted though. :3 ||+580

Ever since coming so close to dying, Eilam had been here, constantly plaguing him with memories from his past battles and struggles with Ketsi's jealousy. His hatred filled companion had done his best to make Eilam's life an unhappy one. Moss, was the one who dealt with all these memories and often times they got out of hand, leading him to do things he would never be capable of. Eilam was a tempered wolf being broken apart by the tides of war.

The generally gentle heaven had been caring for an injured bird. The small blue jay was nearly healed under Moss's attentive care. With a adoring smile on his dark lips, he held the bird in the cup of his hand petting it's head with one over sized Luperci finger. He cooed to the feathered creature, his tail thumping gently against the forest floor. You're almost better, just a couple more days and you'll be on your way. The bird simply gazed up at him and ruffled it's feathers stretching out the healing wing in the process. Moss, thank. He chirped back, the appreciation evident on his feathery face. Mismatched eyes continued to look down over the bird as he let his mind wonder off. With a smile, he leaned his head against the tree he was sitting up against and let his eyes close, the bird still cupped in his hands.

Pleasant thoughts swam through his mind. A beautiful woman who he pictured himself with. His hands wrapped around her in a passionate embrace, muzzle coming in for a kiss. His smile grew wider as he though deeper. Puppies were tumbling with each other around the two loving parents' feet. He took a deep breath as he continued to think. Soon, he could feel Eilam's presence as a cold chill passed through his body disrupting his merry daydream. The thoughts twisted and soon he was in the midst of war. His jaws bared and hackles raised as he charged towards his enemy. The two wolves clashed, Moss's teeth coming to dig into the enemy wolf's side. Blood splattered his light colored coat as he delivered the finishing blow and the lifeless corpse fell to the ground. Battle continued to rage around him as he leapt forward at his next enemy.

The daydream came to an end when Elam's cold nose nuzzled his shoulder. Eyes jutted open and he gasped for a air. His hands were closed tight, the small bird had been suffocated in his strong grasp. Grief struck him, a depressed snarl curling on his lips as he opened his hands to see the now lifeless bird in his hands. He couldn't help but howl in grief for the bird's life. What a curse Eilam could be, but still he never shunned him. Eilam was a part of him and Moss would always accept him. Solemn eyes turned to gaze at the spirit wolf who's eyes were also filled with sorrow and empathy. I'm so sorry Moss. If I could stop them I would. Moss shook his head. It's fine Eilam...you don't do this on purpose. Moss sighed and turn to dig a small hole which he put the bird it. He patted it down and said a few nice words about the feathery creature before getting up and continuing on his way, the translucent figure walking behind him.

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