Great Expectations
His peaceful remembering and writing was broken by the approach of someone, soon followed by the sound of a male calling his name. He looked up, only slightly irritated at the interruption, and saw member of AniWaya that he had seen around but never really gotten to know, much like most of the members of the pack. "Yes? I'm Aranck." He studied the male for a moment before sighing and gesturing for him to join him on the log. It was only the polite thing for the elder male to do.

His ears flicked slightly at the male's name, Frodo. He waited to hear what he said and had to decipher what he was asking before he could answer the question. Did he speak AniWayan? He gave an amused chortle. "Of course I do, young man. I'm from the Great Tribe and it is in some ways more my mother tongue then English is." He gave another chuckle but sobered as he considered Frodo. "Why do you ask, Frodo?" His tone was rather curious. He hoped that the reason he was interrupted wasn't just to ask that question, that there was a point to being asked if he knew AniWayan.

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