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Asanotohl had risen early this morning, her mind on the beach. It wasn’t raining today, however cloudy it was, giving her a simple mentality that finding seashells today would be much easier than any of the past few days she had wandered out to the beaches and bays just beyond her home. Before leaving, Asa had decided to wake up Laurel and drag him along; so with her lime green bandanna with white polka dots tied loosely around her neck, she skipped over to Laurel’s living quarters and made a racket until he came out to join her.

The two Hollow wolves ventured to Shattered Coast, Asa rummaging among the rocks and crags for shiny seashells while her shifted partner more or less watched, possibly a little perturbed about this small journey she’d begged him to come upon; but Asa wasn’t paying enough attention to him to notice any expression he may have been giving her… it could’ve even been amusement at this point, seeing as she was childishly balancing on a rock edge, pretending as if she were going to fall over any second.

But she paused in her antics, if for only a second, as her bi-colored eyes noticed a rocky path leading out into a wide opening in the cliff-face. A cave. Asa slipped down from the rocks, heading towards the small path before pausing and turning for Laurel. Hey… there’s a cave opening over here! The low tide made a path visible. D’you know where it leads to? she called to him, turning again to face the cave opening and fidget with her bandanna slightly.

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