J-one more tango
Player Name: Savannah
Character Name: Selene Vansenza
Date of Birth:Jan 4 2011
Species:1/2 coyote, 1/2 German shepard
Personality Traits: quiet, cautious, protective, loving, passionate
Skills: sword-wielding, low-speech, weaving, carving,  
NPC Characters/Animals: Chia (oyster-catcher/bird/male) Javo+Nava-(tabby cats males) Ukaglay-(clydesdale horse/male)
Residence:  Jordheim (gotta see which one/talk to Becca)


There will likely be a couple of posts between me and Becca,then someone could likely jump in Wink

Word Count » 521

my road to hell is surely paved

It had happened again. Her beloved band of pirates had dispersed, without warning or time for the tawny hybrid to even think. Percival, Tobias....Hael and Nayht...Names of others flew past her mind, perhaps faces that the girl would never see again. In the wicker cage, lined with the softest rabbit furs, the kittens gifted from Ismeme mewled unhappily, as if sensing the coydog's distress. She couldn't bring herself to get rid of them, to remember the last grudge she had held for the woman that has her ex-lover. Sel's life was new, a mate, a new beginning. But why? Why was her last "new beginning" drifting apart?

The early morning mist clung over the scenery surrounding the little camp. It felt so empty...Pitying the little felines crying, the door was opened and they fell happily over her lap, snuggling up close. Selene had thought up names for the pair of boys, the grey one was Jajo and the smaller orange one Nava.

They had packed up most of camp, Ukaglay and Anton packed with rolled up furs and wares. Every so often, she'd glance over to her lover, looking for the same tired weariness she seemed to glow with.  As the kittens slept, the young woman stood up and pulled her dry pair of jeans from a branch hanging above her head, slipping them quickly onto her thin legs, moving over to Fritz's side. The cats were fine to stay were they were, warm and safe. Maroon eyes flitted to the spotted man, snuggling into his arms. "We should go soon, love." Her face plummeted into his chest softly as she tried to speak again, "I just don't know where...The horses are ready though."This man, in her arms was perfect. And more and more did she show her weakness. But soon, maybe someday there would be a solid, secure place to nest. Others--hadn't worked out enough.

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