[M] Blood and Feathers
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.


WC: 248 OOC: Niro is optime, wearing a belt with assorted pouches, gloves and a knife.

A good deed done. He had found a poor nestling owlet calling for its mother and Niro had come instead, but he couldn’t take care of it right away, resources he had didn’t help him and he knew that the bird would have died if he hadn’t given it to the woman from Anathema. She seemed worthy enough to take care of the poor thing and he hoped it would live through the night, because that was the make or break deal. Grinning Niro found his perfect camp spot. It was dark out as he was making his liesurely way back home, he was in no hurry and Amaranth was doing well with the kids, if not Ayita would come in and take care of them while he was away. He had his other children to look after through mere visits. He wished he had more time with them, but a pup had to grow up and leave the nest.

He settled down, happily fed on a nice rabbit that Marahute caught earlier in the day. She was nestled in the highest tree close to Niro and he, himself let his eyes close. Marahute would warn him if he was in danger, she was such a light sleeper... Unfortunately for him the bird had been tired from the journey and fallen into a deep sleep herself. His dreams were pleasant and he let his guard down, a deadly mistake for a lone wolf with no lookout.

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Table by Meghann!


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