a podium built on generations bleeding

Powerplay of Vesper's presence pre-approved by Raze. C: If you do need anything changed Razedear, let me know and I will git on editing. ;_; <3 Otherwise, this thread is mandatory with a post-by date of 5 July! o:

Myrika is by Raze!

When the tawny-furred hybrid emerged into the D'Neville's gardens, fragrant with spring greenery, she saw Ithiel standing by Kaena. Lystra's smell was heavy in the air, but she was safely secured in the stables. As the redhead approached the firepit in the center of the gardens, she smiled at both Ithiel and her grandmother, though part of her still wanted to throttle both of them. She hadn't realized what Ezekiel was doing, no, but it was fairly obvious in hindsight, too. Vesper trailed after her, and both were quiet; they'd already exchanged words and banter as they needed. Now it was time to address the clan.

Myri stood for a moment before the stone bench, and put a hand out, touching it. It wasn't forbidden to touch or anything, but she'd never seen any reason to even approach them until now. The red-haired hybrid looked toward her grandmother and cousin, and then Vesper, and made a face, grinning uncertainly as if to say, here goes nothing. She tossed her head back and howled, the yipping and high call of a coyote, to summon the clan for the first time as its leader. And there it was -- all who heard the howl would find it strange that Myrika and not Vesper or Ezekiel called them to order, she thought. No turning back now -- not that there ever was any turning back.

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