I watched you grow like a summer flower
After the Ismeme thread

Meeting Ismeme and starting off a possible new friendship was heartening for the young Knight. He wasn't usually so very sociable as he was tonight but tonight he was making a huge effort, not only for his father but for Casa too and for the people who were visiting them from Cercatori, they all deserved the feeling of a bit more safety. At least he, Lorenzo would welcome any of the artists pack back into Casa's land if they sought passage or aid.

Again he found himself moving aimlessly through the throngs of people, trying not to bump into anyone or knock anything over with his regal looking cloak. He held two drinks in his hands, one for himself and the other for... well he wasn't really sure, anybody who caught his eyes really he supposed. He caught sight of Juliet for a second and began to move towards her but she was swallowed up by the ground and then he couldn't see her anymore.

With a slightly frowning expression the male downed his drink and set it on one of the nearby tables, the other drink still held in his hand untouched as his bi colored eyes scoured the dancing people for anybody familiar.

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