Wrinkles in the Sky
Word Count :: 245 OOC: erf sorry didn't know what to write Sad

Jiva shrugged at the man. He was here off and on as was everyone’s duty. He knew he wasn’t the best at scouting much less at fighting but he did what he could. He found that he liked teaching what he knew better than using his hands and feet. He did pull his own weight though and made sure he was a part of the pack.

“I’ve been around mostly since Palaydrian has been attacked. It’s better to make sure that nothing happens within the borders.”

Jiva said with a slight shrug. He could understand why as they didn’t normally patrol on the same time and he never went out around the same time at all, it all depended on the times he had free and he mostly spent his time with Drin.

“Figured Drin was getting tired of me being there with her constantly. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind her alone time I certainly do at times.”

He said, though he did want to be right there with her, especially now he’d find her again very soon, though he was now in the presence of his pack brother who was higher rank and he barely knew the man, He made sure not to meet the man’s eyes and show the correct body posture, though he too was a confident male he was in no way about to challange a position he didn’t think he deserved.


Image courtesy of Ed Gaillard

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