
OOC: Sorry for the wait, I got too ahead with Mars over my other characters so i had to play catch up with them.

Hurricane had that sickly sweet grin on his face as he looked at the dog woman. If he was any type of wolf, he'd know that she was a dog, and little of much else. That was, if he even cared, which he obviously didn't. However, because he was a male, and he was part wolf, he was larger, and stronger than the woman would ever be. She recognized him and told him that he always looked as if he needed a bath when she saw him. It was true, but the woman did not know that he blackened his pelt on purpose, not only to smother the scent of the pack he belonged to, but also to lead on the appearance that his pelt was completely black, no white or brown like Mars and Bartholomew had. Ice blue eyes were on the woman, and his hackles were raised on his back, though the fur was all mucky and stuck together. Again, he came at her to where she could not easily get to the shore, it was a surprise what the woman did though. Instead of running, she came right at him.

Her hips sway deliciously, and her eyes seemed to glaze over in a seductive glare. He became slightly confused because only moments before the woman was snarling at him. His ears fell back on his head instinctually and his body tensed up. He didn't trust her, no matter what her scent told the instinctual male. She came in close, and once she did, she thrusted a knife towards him, in which he took the woman by the arm that was extended with the knife and he took his other hand and yanked it from her hand. Oh, really, you fucking bitch? You really are going to try to fucking stab me? I should fucking stab you, you stupid fucking whore. snarled the beast as he started to breathe heavily. This made her scent make it's way in and out of his nose several times, and he could feel the pit of his stomach start to heat up. He huffed as he held the woman by her one arm, (the one that had the ring) and he brought her close to him, putting his face right in hers. But, I'm not going to, because there's something more I want from you right now. a seductive growl accompanied a hand movement that had his other free hand boldly going to touch her waist, and he curved her hip with that hand and he ended with his fingers boldly going to the folds of the woman and he stuck his middle finger up there, as if to test the waters.

Deny me, and I'll make sure you're dead by the end of this. snarled the man, a wicked grin forming on his face only seconds after the snarl presented itself. He was planning on having fun tonight and he wasn't going to let anyone stop him.

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