

Garnet flicked her ears toward the other female when she spoke. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, seeing as this other female was determined to make things a bit more difficult. ” ’Cause I don’t roll that way.” She stated plainly, red eyes gazing back at the bright emerald ones from the shed. The wolf inside seemed to move back and start eating the meat provided though, which was good. Apparently she didn’t have too much pride after all. This made Garnet’s job somewhat easier; she at least didn’t have to force the prisoner to eat. But then, she’d heard once that starvation was a horrible way to die, that one was driven to base instinct and savagery near the end. In her thinking, Garnet had almost forgotten about the growl from Firefly.

”Well, we could talk about… or…” The female stopped and attempted to think of something to talk about. Shrugging, she looked back at Firefly and smiled. ”Hmmm, why don’t you tell me about yourself?” Garnet tilted her head slightly at the other.


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