Sharp Ears

Word Count → 400+

Orin did not hear anyone come in, distracted as she was with Soraya the Cow. It was funny how everyone said that cows went moo, because Soraya surely didn't make any noises that were nearly so pleasant. Instead, the cows sound was more like a throaty bleat, and sometimes Orin wondered if Soraya was retarded or if that's just how cows really were, and if the “moo” bit was just a myth. Well, she was making that damn noise again, and the stables were not nearly so peaceful as they could be.

“Soraya! Stop that, ack! Ahh...” Something was happening in one of the stalls, and the rustling of it all suddenly became quite noisy. Orin had been tending to the cow's stall for the afternoon, having had a hard time finding the time lately with Mars and her brood distracting her, so there had been a lot of work to be done. The hay needed changing, she needed a fresh water pail, not just a refill but a completely fresh one because she had dropped food in there and mucked it all up, and there had been like twelve hundred cow patties in the stall when Orin had first come in – those had been the first to go. Though, there wasn't really anywhere to put them so really they were just shoveled into a pile of cow shit outside of the stable.

“You know, we could fertilize a whole farm with all the pooping you do in one hour,” she told the cow, who stared at her with half-lidded eyes. That spurred a thought, and she wondered if the Court had any agriculture or farms that she didn't know about? Hmm...

Soraya the Cow turned in the stall because somehow over all the noise she had noticed Jiva's arrival. But there wasn't a whole heck of a lot of room in here, and when she turned her rump butted up against Orin's shoulder, catching her off guard. The cow was far heavier than herself, and she had no choice but to stumble and be pushed by the cow butt. “Ahhh!” She yelped in alarm as she was pinned between cow ass and the back wall of the stable. “So... Soraya!” she said harshly. “Soraya, what are you doing? Soraya, move!” She slapped her hands on the rump and pushed with all her might, but it was no use. The animal wouldn't budge if she didn't want to. Luckily she wasn't being crushed, but nice and wedged and trapped she was. “What are you looking at? He... hello? Is someone out there? I could use a little help in here!”

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