It's 6 AM and ice cream is

She had stayed in Twilight Vale for the last couple of days, but no longer. Ember didn't want to live there...even though it was the place that she had been spending most of her time lately. Her cousin had been recovering there for a few weeks, and then Ember had gone and broken her arm...They had set it for her in Esper Hollow, Nikita and Laurel had, but Naniko had put a better brace on it. She hadn't been able to actually put a cast around it because of the deep gashes that Ember had gashed into it with that knife...that had to heal first, and then she could have it bound up better.

She'd thought about things for a while, and had decided that this was defintely the right place for her. No one here would antagonize her or bully her...Pilot and Tayui would make sure, wouldn't they? She held onto her bad, tightly wrapped arm out of habit, biting her lip as she approached the border. Hopefully they would be willing to take her--she wasn't really good at anything, not even scouting, which had been her old job in Dahlia de Mai. The Lierre looked up to the sky, lifting her head and opening her mouth, letting out a long, low howl. I am here.


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