It's 6 AM and ice cream is

I'm going to assume that Skoll is leading her deeper into the territory, probably toward Pilot or Tayui's den, so either leader can come in at any time.

Skoll winced slightly as she talked about the injuries she'd taken. He had endured worse, but to see Phoenix's daughter in such a state was a terrible experience. He didn't know who this Hybrid was, but if he met him, he would return the favor. And then some, if he had reason.

"Well, I'm glad that it didn't get hurt for their war. The last time I saw you, you were quite old are you anymore?" It was strange to be speaking to Phoenix's progeny like this without knowing where he was or when he'd be back. It was possible that Phoenix was dead, but that hadn't been verified by Sarah, so he didn't know for certain. Still, it was odd that the family had split as it had. He was surprised the children hadn't just congregated around their mother.

~The lyrics are from the best song ever written.

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