The Land Beckons You

out of character here

Soft pink tongue hanging from her mouth with joy for the race, she sped past Adelle. The pup was giving her all but still it wasn't enough and within a few moments Sidra had passed her. It was a slow advance, but it was a steady one.To her, she'd known the outcome of this from the start but she had to hand it to the young one, she'd definitely proven herself. Being slim and tall, Sidra was built for speed but the bulkier and more muscle bound Adelle had kept up with her for the majority of the race. Sidra knew she had won when the gold and black pup slipped behind her, no longer visible in the hybrid's peripherals. She may not look like much on the exterior, but the slim hybrid's borzoi genes made her the perfect runner while her wolf blood built her with enough muscle to be deadly in a fight. The perfect combination between speed and strength.

Once Sidra was sure she'd secured her victory she slowed down coming to a trot and turning to face her competitor and friend. She pranced around and announced her victory with a short howl continuing to pant to cool herself down. When Adelle caught up she walked up to headbutt the pup in the cheek playfully. That was fun! You're pretty fast. I didn't expect for you to catch up to me both times but you did. Good job. Even though she won, Adelle deserved the praise. Like an older sister, Sidra was proud of the young one for trying her best. When Sidra could breath without strain, she lay herself down on the cool concrete rolling over onto her back. Her paws dangled uselessly in the air, tail thumping quickly against the ground. She was becoming to enjoy Adelle's company more and more, wishing she could hang out with her every day. She was nothing like Kativa who was stern and argumentative. Instead, she was playful and lighthearted, full of an infection energy that Sidra seemed to absorb like a sponge.

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