And the one poor child that saved this world
So one of the pups was gaining her rank as an adult. Exciting, but not the most interesting thing he could be doing. Alex hadn't really spent much time figuring out what was expected of him in the ceremony. Really he was just there so that he could claim to be participating in the pack, instead of lazing around like he really was. He'd prepared something small for the girl that he'd thought she'd like. A pair of pearl earrings, unaware that this child was actually much more dark than he assumed, thinking she was a typical girl child.

He stood there, watching with surprise as she entered into the caves. Raven feathers decorated her hair. Alex hoped that wasn't one of the ones used on patrol. Alaki wouldn't be happy about that. Neither would that relative of his, the one that took care of the crows now. Not that Alex had bothered introducing himself to either of Alaki's relatives. The sacrifice was bundled up, out of sight from everyone there. He hoped they would reveal it soon, anxious to give his gift and leave. He hoped she would like it, despite how different she looked from what he had imagined. Much more...feral.

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