
Hi! Smile WC=451 4+

The white male had been returning to his den for the afternoon, before the sun was to set. While he didn't mind the night time, he prefered to retreat to his sanctuary before dusk. He had been out in the forest, foraging for some berries. In his left hand was his trusty Eastern staff. In his other hand was a small pouch, inside containing the berries he had been foraging before. They were the same kind that his younger sister had enjoyed, from his memory. He would frequently go fetch them in his youth when his parents were still alive.

He had come out of the forest to the den area of the bottom of the mountain, where the main pack homes resided. He climbed the small dispersed rock formation to the mouth of his den. Inside was his possessions. He moved to the Northern wall of the den, which is bed of dried straw and leaves, line with animal fur resided. He had kept himself busy with his den as would wait for the new days to start to begin his pack duties.

He placed the small pouch of berries to the left side of the bed as was about to sit for a moment, untill an unfamiliar, yet faint familiar scent had tickled his nose gently. The faint smell was indeed of Sangilak, yet the overwhelming scent was something else. Was it the new wolf he met at the pack meeting? The one that was close the Xyn most of that time. Yet, the male the keen on meeting new faces. If it was this wolf from then, the two could now get to know each other a little more.

He turned and left his den once more to the outside world which the afternoon was still upon. Following the scent of the canine creature to the origin of the source, he found himself coming close to an unfamiliar female jackal, outside of the alpha's den. He had not seen this creature before. Maybe it was that new one that had come into the lands a little while ago. Pendzez, found this rather joyous. He had never really met anyone socially that was a full blood jackal

As he came into the open before the female, he spoke in a calm tone, Excuse me miss? Are you lost? He had to wonder what the female was doing at the alpha's den. Maybe it was because that the female was of a different species, so to speak, that she was under the watchful eye of one of the leaders. Yet, if she was a now pack sister, then why have an alpha guardian? Maybe there was a story to it.

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