we are, we are, we are
No problem! :3 Thanks for fixing <3<3<3

Tayui flicked her ear in the direction of the male as he said something to himself, but she was unable to discern what exactly he had said. She mentally shrugged, watching him for a few moments, tilting her head slightly as he began to speak. She shook her head in mute reply to his musings, equally unsure how a human device could cause a fire. But what did she know? Many of the things humans had once had might have been magic, for the tasks they were supposed to perform seemed impossible. She frowned as he spoke, unsure about this 'tamed lightning.' She had seen warm ice, broken shards of ice that were not cool to touch and were far more transparent, something humans called glass. She had seen other things they used, machinery she had created names for, but never knowing how they functioned. But tamed lightning? How did you tame it? It came from the sky, with nothing to hold it or touch it, burning any object it came in contact with, scorching the ground. It seemed impossible, but if the humans had a way to tame it... well, that wasn't so surprising was it? They could do everything else, it seemed, so why not tame lightning?

She frowned, feeling rather useless as he continued to speak, expanding on his thoughts as well. It seemed impossible that a fire had been started due to dryness or heat, especially here. She knew places farther West caught fire do to dryness, but they were plains and fields of something called wheat, with trees and mountains. The climate here was too dry for a fire to be started like that, especially when it had happened in the spring. The ice had been slowly melting, and it seemed as though it would have rained any day.

But what other possible explanations were there? She shook her head in reply to the male's apology, smiling quietly to herself. "It's no matter. I do enjoy this sort of... collaborative thinking." She paused, taking a moment to think. "Vedr, is it?" she said, testing the name out. "My name is Tayui Aston. A pleasure as well," she said with a small smirk.


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