[joining] the first chapter
thanks! (:


He nodded quietly but politely, feeling that he had nothing more to say if Niernan couldn't get him accepted into the pack. Jack wasn't too good with small talk anyway, and he was far more interested in getting his bearings. There wasn't much he could see from here, but he noticed the trees thinned out from where Niernan had come from. He decided there was probably fresh water nearby; these Luperci didn't look like plumbers. But looks could be deceiving, he reminded himself.

Jack's eyes snapped to attention when he heard a rustling, the unmistakable sound of footsteps, coming from behind Niernan. He shifted slightly in his place, made himself look more presentable and less like he just got thrown off a boat. This was Saul, one of the leaders Niernan had mentioned, and Jack knew that first impressions were everything, especially when trying to convince someone to let you live with them.

"I'm from across the sea, so is my family. No one has come with me," he began simply and vaguely, wishing to keep the details of his personal life out of the light. "I decided I wanted to start a new life."

Jack leaned slightly forward, flicking his ears. "What else would you like to know?"


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