
As in the past thread, there has been an idea of changing around the ranks to make it more readable and easier to comprehend at a glance. At first, the idea was simply making the ranks english, but now there is a second part! Here is the full proposal as to what the ranks will become if it is voted that they should be changed:
Quote:The ranks will be changed to English like so:

- Leader
- Subleader(s)

- Guard of the Council
- Envoy of the Council
- Overseer of the Council

Scribbler -> Artist -> Maven

Trouper -> Entertainer -> Ringleader

Craftsman -> Builder -> Artisan

Peddler -> Merchant -> Magnate

Gamekeeper -> Herdsman -> Shepherd

Soldier -> Mercenary -> Commander

- Youth

- Enduring

- Infidel

On top of that, the names for each section of ranks (Stage, Traditional, Sentinel, etc) will be changed to Italian, like so:

TRADITIONAL -- Tradizione
STAGE -- Fase
CRAFTSMAN -- Produttore
MERCHANT -- Commerciante
LIVESTOCK -- Bestiame
SENTINEL -- Protezioni

They will be encouraged to be referenced In Character a lot more, and more distinctions will be made between the different rank groups (events and tasks for a particular group, highly encouraging certain groups to work together to achieve something, different prompts for different groups, etc.)  More emphasis will be placed on the rank groups rather than the actual rank, although the masters organize the most within their group, and outside of it as well.


- Uniqueness; Currently, only two out of the nine packs have their ranks in English, and none of them out of them have the specialized tier system that Cercatori d'Arte does. Many, many packs use Italian, however, and other languages for their ranks.

- Realism; No one in the pack can speak Italian, and it is unrealistic for them to remember so many similar Italian names - English names are easier to remember and spell and say, for both characters and players.

- Comprehension; Changing the ranks to English will help people comprehend what the ranks mean way more easily - some of the current ranks, such as "Tessitore di Sogno" and "Tragediografo" have no base in English, and will confuse newcomers! However, no culture will be lost, and the pack's name will still fit, as a result of the new addition of the tiers' names being Italian and having more impact within the pack.

- Simplicity! Much easier to type "Ringleader" than "Tragediografo", and it would make rank updates and joining much easier and faster! Smile

- Meaning; At the moment, it is very difficult to differentiate between the Novice, Intermediate, and Master ranks because all of them names sound and look similar, and do not differentiate at all. The English ranks, however, are extremely clear - ranks like "scribbler" and "peddler" are clearly of a lower rank than "maven" or "magnate", and it is simple to see why. It will make it easier to see what position one is in in the pack at a glance.

- Opportunity; With the addition of the tier names being in Italian (six names are easier to remember than twenty three!), more emphasis can be placed on the differences of the tiers and how they can work together.

So if you are in Cercatori d'Arte, please vote! Smile If the results are close, and people feel very strongly one way or another, that will also influence what happens; nothing will be forced if people feel very strongly about one part! Enjoyment in the pack comes first, so if you have dissenting opinions that you think will help people make a final decision, don't be afraid to voice them! Smile

As a note: Many of you wanted hover-overs on the current ranks, but they already exist! Smile Hover over the text on each rank; that's been there for a long time!

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