

This is a mandatory thread, with a reply-by date of July 17. You only need reply once.
WC +209

http://i.imgur.com/X61K1.png);width:500px;height:150px;border:1px solid black;">

Never had he before felt so spited, so betrayed and so angry at the folly of others. Where once those of Anathema had been nothing worse than ignored, now they were not to be trusted, and to be viewed as lacking in decent leadership, by the Alpha of New Dawn. He and his Gamma had not hesitated in their trek back to New Dawn, though they took their time, walking where before they had run to get there. Zalen took this time to have Shandom’s council, and they discussed what must be done in the face of what had happened. It took them more than a day to return to their home, but by the time they made it there, a decision had been made.

Upon entering the borders, Zalen lifted his maw to the sky to call his members to him, and he did not stop this call until he walked into the opening outside the den. Then, he took his roost upon the dirt mound there, and waited, his face grim, his eyes angry. This would be the first time he would call his brothers and sisters to him under bad circumstances, and he was very upset that he had to do so in the first place.


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