Tharin's eyes wandered over his pack as they came in. Not all of them were ones he knew well, or even understood. Zalen had chosen to trust him though, and Tharin would do his best to uphold this trust. To fight for his alpha, and keep the pack safe. Jiva looked almost comical in Tharin's mind, even with the serious situation. He just hoped that the young male would handle it. Fayne arrived shortly after, a calm strength in her that hadn't existed before. It made him proud to be able to see that in her. She was such a sweet soul, undeserving of what had happened to her. He hoped what had brought Zalen to call them together wasn't going to send her into any danger.

Augustus arrived shortly after. It was good to see the warrior. He was temperamental, and difficult for Tharin to be around. He trusted him with his life though. The grim message in Augustus' eyes brought Tharin's lips back in a snarl, prepared to fight against whatever threat it was that was coming to face against them. He wouldn't back down from this. He had trained, even if he wasn't as powerful as the giant wolf. They both came from a land where death met them at every turn, and had survived. They wouldn't die from this, and the pack certainly wasn't going to be brought down by it.

Palaydrian appeared strong enough to fight against what had come. If the look on her features meant anything, they had another warrior to recruit. Tharin's tail wagged, pleased that their weakest members had grown so strong since their time in Casa. He had grown strong as well, though he still felt that it wasn't good enough. His training didn't seem like it would be halting anytime soon, trying to grasp everything that was happening and deal with it. Tharin had to be stronger. It was a drive that pumped through his veins as loudly as anything else that was there.

Adonia had arrived as well. She looked anxious. Tharin wanted to comfort her, assure her all was well, but he didn't know that was true. From what he had seen, it would just be a kind lie to help her sleep. Tharin couldn't do that to her. He couldn't lie, not when it was like this. Their other warrior laid next to her mate, just as prepared as Augustus to lay her life on the line. He was proud of the pack's willingness for battle to defend each other. Perhaps they should have done this sooner. Taken down the female that had hurt Fayne, killed the male that tried to break Palaydrian. It wasn't his place to make such decisions though.

His gaze fell on Kiara at last. Lucia was curled up, in no position to deal with what was happening. It tore at his heart, knowing that danger might threaten them again. Tharin had told them New Dawn could protect them. He hoped that he wouldn't be proved wrong. Lowering his head he whimpered softly at her before straightening up again, holding his place as a gamma of the pack.

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