M. Twilight [Death]
He wondered if this was how it felt to be tossed into the Christianity worshipers hell and left to rot like an abandoned corpse. Horror and guilt burned him up from the inside out whilst he followed the blood trail as fast as his secui legs could take him. He panted uselessly, there was no air for him to breathe in, no relief from the burning fever that gripped his heart. This was his fault, all his fault, he deserved every bad thing that had and would happen to him. His fevered heart beat at triple time and had nothing to do with his physical exertions.

He should have said no, should have refused the old warrior but then how could he have. How could he have sent away the slowly dying man. He had seen it even if Adelle had not, he had not revealed Regnar's well kept secret to her either, it was not his place to. Stumbling the man tripped and growled as he tugged his paw from the tangle of vines ruthlessly, uncaring of the thorns that dug into his fleshy pads, drawing bloom. The scent of blood grew stronger, thicker and the sounds of the rushing water filled his ears.

Then there he was, body splayed like a sacrifice, broken and spent. Lorenzo whined in distress, and anguish, the sound desolate, feeling so much for this male he barely knew. He moved closer, catching the barely there rise and fall of his breathing. He moved closer, uncertainly and hesitant to approach. He whined again and licked the old man's cheek, staring down at him with wide, guilty eyes. This was his fault, he was a murderer, he had killed a pack member.

"Regnar. Ah ahm so sorry." Lorenzo's accented voice was so soft, a whisper that was torn away on the wind and he didn't know if Regnar had ever heard it. The warrior was straining towards the water which lay just out of reach, Lorenzo moved his shoulder against the skin and bones male, pushing against him to push him across the grass and sandy bank so that the tips of his splayed paws dipped into the lapping water, he made sure however that his nose and mouth were free of the water.

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