Ask me why I stay strong
[html]Eclipse, Berwick

The woman held the bucket as she walked. It was a rusty old thing, made of metal and tarnished greatly. Wood rounded the handle, guarding her hand from the old steel. It was a treasure found at the cider orchard, and the woman toted it about with her like a milk maid as she looked for anything usable in the surrounding farms and houses of Berwick.

Long silver hair fell onto her shoulders, some pieces cut shorted to follow the curve of her forehead and frame her face. Gray and tan features looked younger then normal, brighter as she wandered through the familiar lands. When she and the group first settled in the cider house they had all made it a point to come to know the lands around them. They lay no claim to any portion, but at least they would have no surprises when traveling through them to and from the orchard.

Foot-paws trekked lightly along the dirt road, pail and contents in hand. She saw the tall tree ahead, a huge oak that stood in the clearing alone. It must have been planted there, a long plot of shade in a wide crop of food for the humans. Though weeds and brush had taken over the fields, a meadow had grown around the tree and beneath its tower. A pleasant place and a haven spotted from the side of the road. Anu turned towards it to seek out the shade of it’s massive limbs.


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