all that makes us human continues
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She shrugged at his return question, not really bothering to summon up the strength to actually reply. His latter statement, however, was long enough to warrant at least a one-worded response. “True,” she said in such a low whisper that she could barely hear her own words — just the sound of wind passing past her lips. Concrete… that was an interesting term to use, but it actually seemed pretty true. Nikita always seemed to be wound up tighter than a rubber-band ball. Perhaps she should loosen up sometimes, without the ever-helpful aid of alcohol. Perhaps life wouldn’t be nearly as stressful that way. She realized that her eyes had started to stare at nothing in particular when he spoke up again, and a small, mischievous smile appeared on her lips as her olive eyes focused on his once more. She pondered actually getting around to answering him… but then thought that perhaps actions were a bit more pronounced than words sometimes.

And so, without another thought crossing through her mind after that, she leaned in to kiss him. She had no idea what his own reaction would be — quite frankly, she hadn’t even thought ahead that far. She had to learn how to loosen up, and something said this might be a… fairly good way to try. Nikita simply shut out all other thoughts, worries, and emotions and simply existed in this very moment.


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