[M] Serviam
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13 starting with the 20th post. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Conflict had ripped apart home and had sent each surviving member on their way into other parts of the lands beyond. Willam had traveled far, fasting along the journey. A week with no food and a cilice wrapped about her thigh found her outside of the skull lined borders. She leaned her weight against smoky black Canadian Horse, Châtiment, and took in the decoration. It was an odd form of expression but it reminded her of home. It made her wonder over the execution method and what was done with the rest of the bodies. They were readily displayed so were they cremated or were there headless bodies stuck somewhere?

A hand lifted to stroke the wooden rosary that hung about her neck, or more like the carved crucifix of a canine saint. She really should have kept on going but she couldn't. Her body was tired from her pushing it to its limits. She hardly spent anytime resting but pushed to keep going as long and as far as she could go. The stallion nickered softly, bringing her attention back to the equine. She knew that she had to get going once again but her feet were unwilling to move.

She lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the noonday light so that she could stare into the land beyond the skulls. She was trying to find the looming shadows of large wooden crosses in the distance but was seeing nothing of the sort. She didn't know why she was expecting the execution spot to be easily visible to outsiders. She should have known better than to expect there to be public admission to the event. No, that would only cause riots and chaos. Execution was a matter for the viewing of only the pack.

When she finally found the will to move it was only to take her closer to the borders to further inspect the decorations. She knew she had to continue on since she didn't reach the land's end yet but the longing for home had barred her way. She decided then and there that she simply had to know. She raised a call into the air in order to attract attention to herself. Maybe once she found out what happened to the bodies her journey would no longer be impeded by the curiosity that had stopped her dead in her tracks.

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