[M] Serviam
"Of the skulls, yes." She confirmed what she had been inquiring after. She hadn't thought her words to be so cryptic. But then again she couldn't imagine herself being the only one to wonder what happened to the remains. The practice was an odd one so she figured that more would have paused to inquire about such a practice. Or maybe it only intrigued her because she was used to something similar but many times more severe.

"So they are not kept for private viewing?" Such would not seem to be the case since he couldn't answer the question. "I am simply used to whole bodies being impaled or crucified to act as warnings against unlawful heretics. Leaving only the skull to be seen is a bit peculiar, is it not? But still it remains effective, does it not?" The female saw no other purpose to do such a thing except for it act as a warning against any whom might oppose.

"I should hope the pyre is saved for your own and not used upon the blasphemers." To her the pyre was a sacred object, used to cleanse one's body and allow them to pass peacefully into the next life. To grant such a thing on the undeserving felt like a betrayal to her. But of course she hadn't even really paused to think that there might be opposing views.

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