[M] Serviam
Their ways differed but not so much that they couldn't understand each other on some level. She had thought the bodies might be kept for clan view only as to remind them what they are fighting against, a reminder of what happens to those who refuse to abide by the laws. But the male's words said otherwise. The bodies seemed to have no use to the pack at all.

"I do. Every day. Directly after the morning offering." She had a strict routine that she followed ever single day. And of course there was the weekly regimen as well. These weren't things that could be slacked on. Not to mentioned that they are done in a certain order as well. But that was simply the norm for where she came from. Everyone where she had lived did the exact same thing so the rituals were part of life for everyone involved. It was also because of this that she had no qualms with speaking freely about the practices. The place that she had stayed and had been born into were full of the devout.

"La Chemin, Quebec." The former name was unlikely to have been heard of as that was the group that she had stayed with. Everyone with the group had adopted it as their surname as a sign of faith. So it wouldn't surprise her if he was unable to place it unless he had heard tale of the devoutness of her group before. There were some that said the la Chemin line took their faith to the extreme but for Willam it was all that she had ever known.

"It is. I have strayed from the path and so I must suffer in order to not stray again." Of course this was one of the procedures that may thought to be extreme but for Willam it was simply a part of life. She had to suffer as he had suffered so that one day she might be whole and blemish free. "I had become distracted from my journey to land's end." She gave a brief sweep of her hand to indicate the skulls which she had already sought answers for.

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