put a little love into my lonely soul.

The two females watched each other nervously, tails twitching and muscles bunched apprehensively. Ksenija was the more stressed out of the pair, she rolled her shoulders in attempt to relax herself but too no avail. Medusa smiled at her protector and placed a slender hand on her shoulder, earning a half-smile from her friend. Ksenija decided that soon she would tell Medusa how she felt, surely by now the blonde coated female knew. " We should go.. " The russian said to her beloved, moving her hand so that it was entwined in Medusa's fingers. The two walked through the thick forest that bordered sections of Anathema carefully, ears kept perked and eyes trained on what was coming ahead. The snakes that her love always carried with her were slumbering on the caspian sea wolf lazily, one wrapped around her thin arm and the other buried in her shock of blonde hair that tumbled wildly down her back. In Russia Ksen's hair was shorn neatly to her shoulders, but since being in 'Souls it had grown longer and hung to the mid section of her back, a bright silver color.

The storm colored female paused and inhaled, the scent of many different canids in one place reaching her nose. She pulled Medusa close and gave her a hug, and then moved away a little while still holding her hand. " I think it is time. " She said to her friend, Medusa nodding in agreement. The woman pointed her maw to the sunny sky and howled, the tone of it every bit of wolfish as she was. It called for leadership and acceptance, and hopefully they would find both here.


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