put a little love into my lonely soul.

Medusa spoke up first, and Ksenijas chest welled up in happiness. She was so glad that the two had agreed to join a pack together, and equally happy that Medusa had stayed with her following the crumble of the pirate pack. Not a hair or hide had been since of their almost packmates, which Ksen was fine with. Her world revolved around the blonde coated female beside her, and she was ecstatic that they were doing this. Her gaze cooled after she had looked over the male, sensing they were being regarded quite gruffly. He was storm-colored, just as she. " Alaki. " The russian woman tested the strange name on her tounge, her accent thickly rolling the words. Both women were foriengers, could the male understand? Surely that was not a name that was given in this country. " Mine name is Ksenija Russo, and her be mine friend, Medusa Kathari. We are seeking entrance to Anathema. " She said carefully, hopeful that she was pronouncing her words correctly.

When it was just her and Medusa, it was easier to talk. Their english was horrible when speaking to eachother, because they understood what the other was saying quite well. However, when around others she really was trying to use the correct forms of the language and it was getting easier and easier to do so. " I am sailer of the boats, I fish, hunt, and build. " She offered, not certain of the word to describe wood working. Though she could defend herself and Medusa if it came down to it, her fighting skills were not honed enough to be described as a skill and so she left that out. The women look encouragingly to Medusa, knowing there were some interesting things she could offer the pack.

" I know little of Anathema, was hard finding information. Could tell me more, friend? " Ksenija said, straining to make her words clear through her thick rolling accent. It was almost tiring speaking, and her stomach knotted up with apprehension. How would they be recieved in this place? If they even were accepted.


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