Home Sweet Home (?)
((WC: 276 - OOC: -derp- ))

He pressed his face to the glass of a dirty window, hands shielding out the outside light so that he could peer through. A massive hole seemed to have taken away most of the floor, wood splintering over the dark pit. The ceilings weren't better, being yellowed with mold and covered in spiders' web. Even the smell that seeped through the cracks and crevices in the walls was enough to make the canine turn up his pink nose in disgust.


When it came to luck in finding a home suitable to at least stay the night, Harvey Butler was all out. Stepping down from the creaky steps (ones he was unsure he should even be putting weight on), the Brit returned to the streets.

Suddenly, he spotted something in the corner of his eye that grabbed his attention.

Flopped ears perked as he turned to see another being sitting on a seemingly more stable set of stairs, a short flight attached to a most aesthetically pleasing abode.

The dog cracked a a smile... somewhat.

'Ello! S'nice t' see a friendly face, 'tis... Was beginnin' t' fear I was th' last one 'ere. He joked, though he was sincere about the calm feeling that came forth knowing he had company. Friendly or not, he couldn't be sure, but he figured it'd be stupid to give up the chance at obtaining answers.

That, and that house she was sitting at had really caught his gaze.

The red merle male eased closer, moving slowly, as if making sure it was alright by the assumed resident. Me name's Harvey Butler... He said with a nod, Sorry t' intrude, miss...?

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