gift to be simple.
All Twilight Vale Members Welcome.

This thread will be a free-for all posting, so naturally you have until Monday, August 18th to post a reply in order to hunt. Due to the nature of this thread, we will not have a posting order. And for those who are lazy and don't want to read through Erin and my posts, this is a pack hunt thread for Naniko and the up coming puppies. This thread is non-mandatory but it would be pretty damn skippity if all of us could attend. Big Grin

Pack Hunt Thread.

floatonMorning broke heartily across the horizon when Khaden finally emerged from the still house. Bright and vivid colors ranging between majestic purples to those crimson and fiery hues. He yawned complacently, pushing his long, built limbs afore him as his whole body arched and rolled out any tense muscles that accumulated over the night. So much had seemed to happen since he had joined Twilight Vale just mere weeks ago. Between meeting up with his older brother and sister-in-law, meeting that wonderful girl Ember, moving into the Manor, and everything in between. He had shared laughs and sorrow betwixt the ranks of his new home, and had even gotten promoted to Delphinus. He tittered his own chuckle at those experiences that he could never trade, and would never trade for the world.

floatonHe declined down the steps of the old plantation house, and settled his rump down on the bottom step. His secui form barely able to fit on the wide ledge, he grinned down at himself. The newest accomplishment and experience that seemed to mark him on his way of achievements was this Hunter co-rank. It wasn't much to say that he was a hunter - most other wolves were, seeing as if they couldn't hunt, they couldn't very well live. However Khaden could be safe in saying that he had a special gift for it, and all games at that. From fishing, to even knowing where the current game trails were and how they cut across the Rabbit Lake terrain to those special drinking spots.

floatonCurling a particularly bushy tail along his massive form, Khaden flicked his muzzle back to the house. With Naniko pregnant, he at least felt vaguely useful. He could go and hunt down supplies for her as she was in the Manor. But rabbit after rabbit didn't cut it - in order to keep up supplies, he would have to hunt down something larger. He frowned a bit, pushing his paw up towards his muzzle to scratch at an itch before he glanced back towards the entrance of the house. Even in his large secui form, he was sure he needed some help to take something like that down.

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