Safe Haven

Trent really doubted that any of Terra's pups would be named after him... After all, he was just someone she knew, right, a packmate and sort-of friend, not like her great idol whom she looked up to greatly, or anything along those lines. Nah, she probably wasn't going to name any after him. But, vain as he was, Trent actually liked the idea that she might. Just maybe. Perhaps.

Tricksters... "You're actually hoping they'll be as good at getting in trouble as their mom?" As an afterthought, Trent said, with a grin, "Or you're hoping they'll be good at getting others in trouble, then, if they'll be tricksters?" Saying these words, Trent really hoped that Terra wasn't secretly last-named Trickster, or something, and he was rambling about stuff that wasn't even there. He didn't know if she had a last name, really.

Thinking back about the naming-a-pup-after-him thing, Trent saw the resemblance between his and Terra's appearance and pelt, and figured that it wouldn't have been a long shot if he'd be a surrogate father. But gods, why'd he even want that? Right, he was supposed to have a normal life and be a man about things, but then, Trent was pretty sure that that didn't involve raising some other guy's pups, anyway... He wasn't even sure why the thought occurred to him at all. Probably a lingering memory from that time they'd picked out his room together, when Trent had done his hardest to hit on Terra.


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