Safe Haven

If Trent would've had any say in this, these poor pups would have grown up with some awful names. Trent Junior, Trent the Awesome, Trickster and Tricksterette, these were only some of the names he could come up with. Of course, he didn't actually expect any to be named Trent, particularly because it would be rather confusing. Everyone would think that Trent was the father (well, everyone who didn't actually know Terra, anyway), and they'd have to explain new people all the time that this was all the result of a joke, more or less. Especially considering the fact they looked similar due to their coyote backgrounds and so it wasn't out of the question for one to look like Trent. Nah, but it was nice to think about it, anyway, even if doubtlessly Terra wouldn't choose any of his rubbish naming possibilities.

While he was thinking about this, Terra got up and wobbled over to the stream she'd dug her little den next to, showing her pregnant figure clearly. "Do you want me to go so you can get settled in a bit better..? I'll come see the pups, of course. Well, if you are okay with that, anyway." He felt like a passerby watching idly at someone who had better things to do as she drank, and so he offered to take a leave. And, of course, come see her pups, once she was alright with them being seen and all (new mothers with tiny pups could be quite snappish to be around, after all, so he wasn't sure if she wanted him to see them at all).


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