head is lighter than a feather
OOC: Sorry about the wait. My muse has been a bit low recently Smile

IC: Fritz was worried about Selene and was trying to figure out a way to tell her about what Fang/Toby had done. But he found that he tried to and couldn’t stand to break her heart by telling her that her world of second chances had burst in the worse way possible. So he didn’t tell her why he had left Vinátta not long ago. He hated lying to her but this would be temporary until he could figure out how to tell her.

He left their house and sighed. He needed to do something to ease his frustrations. Yet his ears perked up slightly at the sound of a sigh though it was different from his. He looked around and saw a female that he was most concerned about, Colibri. There was something up with her but he wasn’t sure exactly what it was. It could have simply been from being attacked. He wasn't really sure.

So he approached her, gently clearing his throat to get her attention without startling her. "Hello. We haven’t met yet. I'm Fritz Ear, Risna here." He gave her a friendly smile, tail swishing behind him gently. "Are you doing OK?" He hoped that he wouldn’t get his head get bitten off for his worry.

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