Let the horns howl

As Neela explained the situation his brow frowned. He knew the damage a single cougar could cause to even the largest of canines. They were powerful, swift and agile, a difficult opponent even singularly. With the cougars hiding in a den it would be suicide to march in and attack, they needed the home advantage and that meant tricking them. Aro continued the conversation and the Sole waited quietly, listening and thinking before he joined in, answering his son’s questions with his own opinions. “The large cat’s are very dangerous Aro, strong and fast. If they attack you must attack to kill and do not let them get above you.” Pausing he added, “Hopefully we wont have to kill them all though.”

The movement of the stream rang clear in his ears, a water attack would be fine but what they needed was an ambush. “We’ll stick to the trees.” His voice was calm, his words confident. “We’ll stay downwind and wait for them to find the prey.” His mind wandered to the catch now. Neela was in no condition to hunt and with cougars around he felt personally responsible for her safety. Golden eyes turned to his son, “You and Raoth go fetch us some bait. A ‘coon or a large hare will do fine. I will stay with Neela and wait in the brush until you return.” Turning his sun kissed face back to his daughter-in-law he hoped she had no objection, though he waited for her thoughts.


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