sound the siren out through the streets
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_____The territory that Inferni had claimed was rather interesting compared to what they had before. Whereas they had taken over Syemv's old house by the coast, they had gained a mansion here. There was still a beach, but they had caverns and a fresh water source, as well as a forest that spanned over things in general. She found a natural wonder in walking down the trails, her sharp blue eyes scanned over every branch, every animal that scurried down the path to stay ahead of her, and of course anyone she spotted through the trees.

_____There was a certain silence there, however, which troubled her. There had been a fight and two sides reared their ugly heads, but even she knew that Inferni was nothing like it had been when she had lived in it once before. They weren't crawling with coyotes as they had been when she was a child. Things had really changed. Approaching the towering mansion that rested in the south-eastern portion of the territory, she started up the worn walkway and stopped, pausing to study the unique architecture.


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