[p] the ashes and debris
The dark-hued woman was stepping out of Salsola for the first time since her dethronement on the advice of Draugr. She was, in a way, feeling somewhat better. Her belly no longer felt sour, her head no longer ached. She did not feel as she had once felt, but Eris could hardly remember how she was. How many months had it been since Larkspur's death? Had she ever even had a mate?

Her only joy in life anymore were her children. And, perhaps, if she were to grow introspective, she might realize that chief among them was Pandemic. Her son, who so resembled his father, had been nothing but loyal and faithful to his family. Though he was brother to a traitorous viper, Pandemic was good-hearted and loved Eris truly. He would not betray his mother as Salvia had.

As the borders of her home dwindled, the hybrid daydreamed. Horse charted her own course, plodding through the marshlands. Eris did not have a particular destination, but Draugr had suggested she leave the pack for at least a day, to help clear her head. The dark-hued woman was still suspicious of the wolfdog and her mother, but they had at least attempted to prove themselves loyal subjects, as they purported to be.

At least some still say I should be a queen, Eris thought. Though -- perhaps if she had given over a moment to introspection, she would have realized her own unfit state. Alas, Eris was not the sort of creature to ponder (and therefore see) her own shortcomings. Instead, she sought to drown her sorrows in blood and liquor and anything else she might get her hands on. The faint edge of the mushrooms still danced in her eyes, but even they brought only visions of horror and sorrow.

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