Don't give up on us
Amaranth Had gone to the stables and gotten her mothers horse. She was worried it had been nearly twenty four horse since her mother told her that she was going out flower picking. She did not like it very much unlike her soft and gentle mother she was not as trusting or kind. amaranth held the reigns as she moved towards the edge of the pack lands.

Amaranth Had asked her brother to come with her. She didn't want to go out there alone. With others out there willing to attack and attempt to kill those around she didn't want to be on her own. She checked Her saddle bags for blankets and some knives. she hopped that she found her mother out camping but she just worried. Being out there more then a few horse just wasn't safe. She pulled herself up on the horse and awaited Kable and his horse.
Facing the border purple eyes watched the land why did she feel so uneasy?

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