[M] The end all starts
The forest was still, quiet, and blessedly hot. Machidael felt the damp heat bearing down on him, and while it was not quite so good as the dry heat he was used to, the jackal could easily get used to it. Boredom had driven him south, and boredom had driven him back north again. Machidael was a wanderer, accustomed to the nomad's way of life. He did not consider a home or settling down -- instead, the hybrid roamed from north to south, from one coast to the next, and sated himself in this manner.

Just now, though, he was settled against the thick trunk of a pine. The low branches concealed him rather effectively, or so he thought -- in the distance, he could see a figure moving this way, apparently unaware. Suddenly, the figure stopped. Machidael was certain he'd been seen. He tensed, peering curiously toward the figure as it bent down low, inspecting something close to the ground. The four-legged body was wolfish and thicker than his, perhaps heavier than even his Optime body.

The hybrid peered toward her through the pine boughs. Both ears were cupped toward her. Though his nose twitched, he could not yet detect her scent over the air.

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