[M] The end all starts
It was always wonderful when prey was too stupid to run. Strangely enough, it rarely happened with animals such as antelope and other legitimate prey. On the other hand, it was always the thinking, intelligent Luperci who doubted his intent. Machidael had encountered such a thing before, rarely -- it was difficult to mistake him and his ilk for anything less than predators, when the entirety of the raiders' clan rode down upon a settlement. But alone? Machidael was not so intimidating, even amongst jackals.

Pretty, he commented, pausing his approach. Both hands slid behind his back. Her smile was pretty, even tinged with fear. Help, he said, agreeing with her. I help, he said, guttural voice almost kindly. There was no apparent anger on Machidael's face, just a predatory sharpness, the gaze of a hunter looking down at meat too frightened or confused to run away. And quite suddenly, he was striking. His arm whipped forward and slashed downward with the knife, aiming to rend her pretty smile right off her face.

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