there is black coal filling up our homes
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sharksHe listened with the mild interest of someone who knew he would never see the place being described to him. Vaguely, he remembered someone else having described the world beyond the ocean to him, but the details of it were gone. Still, it wasn't that hard to imagine. Having grown up in a house, he figured much of his family was fairly humanized; all the more reason to think that this woman was a part of it, he supposed. A lot of people around here are getting more like that. I wonder how long it'd take for us to become the same? The coyote himself didn't know whether he meant the same as the European wolves or the same as the humans, but he was not all that interested in the philosophy of it all. Perhaps those sorts of things were just where evolution took them, nevermind the push they'd gotten from the rubble. In the end, it didn't really concern him.

sharksArkham nodded, though perhaps he was a hypocrite. He was lonely, but he was putting himself in a situation that called for it. After all, there he was hiding his face from someone that was likely a sister, so what could he really say about not having family to talk to? I don't know, he said after some consideration, I have a big family. Grew up with a ton of people around, but I always felt pretty isolated from the rest of them. More and more though, he figured that was mostly his fault too. He just hadn't cared enough.


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