there is black coal filling up our homes
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_____She knew about isolation pretty well too. Though she had always been around loads of family one way or another, Corona was forever trapped between them. She didn't call herself a coyote and she didn't call herself a wolf, so sometimes, she was simply conflicted. Gabriel was firmly rooted in serving Inferni to the fullest, whereas someone like Jasper wouldn't have been able to do it. She had been on both sides of the line and even now, some odd three years later, she was still just as conflicted as the day she had been when she started to grasp both of their ideologies.

_____“That's how things were for me in France. Probably why I didn't stay there very long, when I think about it. All of these people around, all of that family around, just not really much of a connection. But it was a hard time for me then too, so who knows.” Sometimes she wondered if the indecisiveness in her would ever go away. Corona wanted to belong somewhere, but she wanted to make those around her proud of her. She wanted to live up the name she had, she wanted to live up to what was expected of her and most of the time she felt like she was doing a better job of failing that than succeeding. Hell, her own father hadn't even wanted her and she knew down somewhere inside that her mother didn't want her either, because she couldn't, or wouldn't, make up her mind.

_____“Where are you from, anyway? If you don't mind me asking, that is.” She couldn't resist prying; someone who had a few things in common when it came to a background was sometimes a bit of a relief. Someone out there shared the same sort of story, even if they had totally different childhoods. For all she knew, maybe he came from half a world away. Or just maybe, that growing hunch in the back of her mind said that he had grown up a hell of a lot closer than she thought—those red eyes were strangely familiar the more she thought on it.


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