there is black coal filling up our homes
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lol, your double negatives made me all whaaaaaaaaaaat. Or triple negatives, really, if "doubt" can be considered negative. D;

sharksThough his general apathy towards the world and everything in it had greatly diminished in the time he'd spent away from his family, Arkham still was not all that curious about all the details of the world that lay beyond what he could see. Europe had been described to him several times by now, and it was always an intriguing description, but in the end, he wasn't sure what exactly could be gained from such a journey, especially if the journey itself would be variably unpleasant. The size of the world could stretch on forever, but he felt insignificant enough just watching the sun recede into the ocean every evening. He didn't need to be an isolated speck on a boat with no anchor point at all to realize that.

sharksMaybe, he said, partially to humor her. There was, of course, the chance that his inevitable meeting with Gabriel would go badly. Even as he snuck around in a mask and continued to hear doubtful things about Inferni, there was a part of Arkham that believed that his eldest brother had a reason what he'd done, if only he would explain it. Still, if that wasn't the case, the coyote would have to decide what he was going to do afterwards. Inferni was the only family he'd ever known. He wasn't sure if would ever feel completely comfortable around his father. And where else did he have to go? He was grown now; he had all the world to make a home out of, if he wanted. If he wanted.

sharksSomeone once told me that everyone went on journeys to 'find themselves' when the time came, he said thoughtfully. I'm still not sure I understand what that means.


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