[p] five days after black and red collide
(450) dated for the 20th!

Had it really been five days? It had felt like years, the way the days dragged their feet. He felt so much older, though not in a way he had strived for. His soul was worn, it had been tested since that day, and by whatever reason, its threads managed to stay together and did not unweave, albeit it was was pulled taunt.

By some silent decree from without much thought was given, he had been sleeping at Eclipse's house. The first night was reasonable, anyone would sit vigil over her to make sure she would be sound, and he did so. Yet, on the second night, it felt routine as he sat in the chair that he had grabbed from wherever that he placed near her bedside. He would watch as she went to sleep, and the hour or so that proceeded it, continue to carefully look after her until his eyelids closed without his permission. Mostly, he was silent at night, but his mind was loud in thought, and even in slumber it seemed that he could not rest. He would wake before she did, and by the time she would rise, he would have food prepared for her.

Maybe she didn't need him, he had at one point thought, but she did not deny his constant company yet. He felt bound to her side by the promise he made with her, that he wouldn't leave her. Maybe she didn't mean in in the way he was acting, but even not, Robert felt it necessary on both of their parts that they needed each other. That day, they left the house and decided to go to the stables, which he felt a bit unsure about. But, if it would make her happy, he decided, he would allow it. A close eye would be trained on her nevertheless, and he still felt regret for that moment he let his guard down in the tree house. He'd swore himself to never make the same mistake.

He hovered close to her side as they walked south from her house, their hands clasped together between them as they traveled at a comfortable pace. He took a moment to glance at his house when they passed it by, and the off-hand thought occurred to him that he had not revisited it since the day, and he looked down at his person to see that he was still dressed in the same clothes. But, it didn't matter much, anyway. "Its a nice day." He comment was soft, a mere suggestion for conversation. He treasured their shared silence, but it felt right to prompt her for a talk from time to time, just to simply hear her talk.


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