Story about the world


Word Count → 329

There was some things that could never be taken away from her, and that was one of the wonderful gifts that her gorgeous mother, and her handsome father had blessed her with. From the material gifts, to the gift of the double language. While in Halifax, she had not meet many loners that could speak in both Italian and English. She was truly blessed. The child had not been raise to boast or brag about the gifts her family had given to her, frankly she thought it was rude to show off her talents to run into someone’s face that she was able to do something that someone else could not. Frankly she could see the unpleased looks that the whole family would be given her if she was to boast or brag.

Finding a smile upon her statue like father arms opening up to embrace the hug that her father was offering up. It had been so long since she had found the love of a hug from her father arms(though it was all at her own fault, and own will) His words, filled her heart with an unspoken happiness, hearing him call her angel, that was worth the risk of her father telling her it was time to be an adult and find her own pack to live in(Not that it was something that she would expect out of her father’s mouth, but still a fear that played in the depth of Sophia’s mind) Standing at and arm length distant from her father, she smiled up at him, trying to be that angel that he just called her. ”Dad! Stop!” She chuckled.

”Well....I was kinda hoping that I could come and be with you, and momma and the rest of the family?!” She looked down as her hands went back behind her back holding her own hands. While her foot lifted up and twisted in semicircles in the dry dirty.

Image courtesy of sugary-stock@deviantART

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